Pilates Therapeutic Class, Defying the Effects of Gravity on the Body - 232201
Pilates Therapeutic Class, Defying the Effects of Gravity on the Body
Pilates Therapeutic Class, Defying the Effects of Gravity on the Body
This is a new stretching, balance and postural alignment class. It will be taught at a beginners/intermediate level, with more stretching of key body parts and transitioning more slowly to various positions. Bring your own mat, band, weights (1 to 8 pounds), towel or cushion to sit on/under the neck. Instructor: Jennifer McManus. Held at Memorial Town Hall Upper Level.
Held at Memorial Town Hall Upper Level. Bring a mat, towel and a water bottle.
Charge When Not Billed:
Resident Fee (Standard Fee): $126.00 = $126.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Non-Resident Fee (Standard Fee): $136.00 = $136.00